I recently conducted an interview with an east coast transplant at Santa Clara, Ben Seidenstein. Ben hails from Greenwich in Connecticut, near New York City. Ben explained that he chose SCU for the small class sizes as well as the prestige the university has attained throughout the state of California. These reasons were important for me also, in choosing SCU for college. As a student from out of state myself, I wondered whether or not Ben shared some of my views and opinions about moving to and living in the Golden State. When I asked him about what he misses most about leaving home, Ben explained that among other things, hanging out with his high school friends and having his own car topped the list. I can attest that I really wish I had a car here as well and it is kind of tough not seeing your old buddies. Ben also mentioned missing his trips and weekends in New York City and Long Island Sound. While a student at SCU, Ben has travelled to San Francisco on multiple occasions as well as parts of Southern California and Arizona. Ben mentioned his desire to explore more of the Bay Area and California and hopes to do more of this throughout the next three years at Santa Clara. When I asked Ben about his favorite part of living on the West Coast, he told me that the weather and the laid back atmosphere was it. I asked Ben what the hardest part adjusting to California culture was for him. Aside from missing parts about home and having to put up with the word “hella,” Ben said that communicating with his friends and parents on the East Coast through the time difference has been the hardest part about living in CA. On his favorite parts about living in Santa Clara, Ben said that he really enjoys visiting Santa Cruz as well as watching the great division one sports Santa Clara offers like baseball and basketball. Ben plans to travel during the summer and is anticipating a great sophomore year when he returns.
-Collier King
Student journalists at Santa Clara University cover college life on their campus and around the country.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
From New York Style Pizza To In'n Out

I interviewed our very own RYAN "DA KUTEJ" KUTEY! He's originally from New York from a small up state New York Town near Albany (I actually forgot what its called; hope u dont get angry Kutey!). I sat down with Ryan recently to talk to him about the struggle and life of living in CA, while being from out of state. I asked him what the troubles of living so far from home were. He told me that being away from home was the hardest when he missed his family because they were all the way on the east coast. That makes a lot of sense because i am from the area, and every time i want to go home i can just hop in my car and see my family. You have to be strong to do what Ryan is doing. He also added that if he wanted to go home he would be have to take a long flight home lose three hours and sleep in order to get rid of the jet lag. He essentially would lose a day. So if he went home for a weekend he would be home friday night sleep have saturday night and leave first thing sunday in order to get here for classes on on monday. On topo of that Ryan is a huge sports fan and being a New York Giants Football fan has been a struggle living so close to the bay where he is consistently harassed by the weak niners fans and the vicious passionate Raiders fans. Our interview was interrupted by a friend, but Kutey was able to explain how difficult it was to live so far from home. I think he is strong willed determine kid to be living so far away, but i also think it's an experience he is always going to carry with him . To be so far from home is a courageous act.
New York,
New York Giants,
All the way from Nebraska
This week I interviewed my friend Justin Howard who is from Omaha, Nebraska. Justin is a freshman undeclared major here at SCU. I asked him about his adjustment to college life, and how he likes California. Justin told me that the adjustment was difficult for him. "It was hard being so far away from my family and dogs. Also, I hate it when people here at SCU keep saying 'soda'. Its called 'pop' darn it." says Justin. Regarding California, Justin said, "Being from a pretty rural state, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the Bay Area. The people in California seem much busier and go at a faster pace than people in Nebraska." Aside from the different names for soda, and the busy West Coast lifestyle, Justin thinks California is awsome.
Santa Clara University,
soda pop
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
From Arizona to SCU!

-Karina Grobelny
Silicon Valley
What Happens in Vegas Never Stays There

This past weekend my six closest girl friends and I made it out to Las Vegas and somehow made it back to tell our stories. While I could write a book about the seventy-two hours we had in Sin City it might be easier to sum up the most memorable moments in a couple of bullet points:
- seeing the almost seven foot LeBron James live and in person at Tyrst in the Wynn hotel.
- experiencing the amazing Asain cuisine at Tao in the Venetian
- winning $75 on the slot machines and then spending it all on souviners that I neither needed or wanted
- our Virgin America flight to and from Vegas had blacklights and strobe lights in it that did not stop during the hour and fifteen minute flight
- getting my heel caught in an escalators packed with people in the Mirage resulting in my shoe coming off and the escalator stopping
- watching a man bet then lose $30,000 in a game of poker
- seeing the sunrise over the strip
- and last but not least spending one of my last weekends as a free college student with my best friends in the lawless community of Vegas.
Las Vegas,
LeBron James,
The Mirage,
The Venetian,
Virgin America,
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation week

I bring this up because I met Len and Libby last week at another dialogue meeting -- a San Francisco church hosted two members of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam, a one-of-its kind half-Jewish, half-Arab village that promotes coexistence between the two sides in Israel. Len and Libby were two of about 25 people in the church who discussed the conflict and the village, which is called the Oasis of Peace in English.
I was at the meeting because I visited the Oasis of Peace in December, which I am currently writing about for my senior journalism capstone. It was pure chance that Len and Libby were going to be at Santa Clara the next week. I talked with them afterward and they were looking forward to coming to campus.
Here is the Web site about their dialogue group: http://traubman.igc.org/global.htm
And the site for the Oasis of Peace: http://nswas.org
— Jeremy Herb
A Buddy for Obama

The question concerning most Democrats is no longer who will be the Party's presidential candidate, but rather, who will be the vice-presidential candidate? A Gallup poll conducted this month reported that 55% of Democratic Party voters surveyed wanted Hillary Clinton to be Barack Obama's running mate. The poll also reported that 75% of Clinton supporters and 43% of Obama supporters desire this "dream ticket." However, if such a ticket does reach fruition, Barack Obama's American Dream-like campaign will wither.
The bitter primary battle between the two candidates has exposed the nasty character of running for office in America. It is unfortunate that public office must be fought for "by any means necessary" rather than by civil debate or personal honor. Granted, the stakes are high. Passions are understandably inflamed by such important issues as war, healthcare, and immigration. However, it seems the intensity of campaigns lies not in arguing issues but in attacking an opponent's character.
The Obama campaign began as a breath of fresh air. The articulate and dignified senator sought to pursue the presidency with class and integrity, not with the fierce drive that has maligned most other campaigns, from Congressional seats the the Presidency, since the dawn of the negative television add. But it did not take long for Obama to be drawn into a back-and-forth fist fight of words and accusations with Senator Clinton. Yet, the Obama campaign remained focused on the idealistic notions of hope and change - indeed, the hope that the political process, from campaigning to consensus-building in government, could be changed.
Opponents have charged that the Clintons carry political baggage that could make it hard for Hillary to be elected in November. This charge is more dangerous not in terms of the Clinton's history, but in terms of their political personality and perspective. The 1990's saw the growth of partisanship and divisive political posturing. Leon Panetta, who served as President Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1994 to 1997, argues fervently that politics is compromise. The Clintonian approach, in my eyes, is more focused on winning. And so it is with so many other candidates for public office at every level throughout America. The system is broken because of the continued failure to reach, or even strive for compromise. And it is the American people that suffer from this lack of leadership and common decency from elected officials, as such momentous issues as immigration and social security remain unreformed, and the burden awaiting future generations - my generation - becomes heavier and scarier.
Opinion polls might organize data and tell a person one thing, but they must not dominate decision making. Whether 55% or 80% of Democrats believe the "dream ticket" of Obama-Clinton could be elected in November is not nearly as important as whether Democrats and Republicans can BEGIN to work together in Washington, through compromise and empathy. The aim of politics is not winning but good government. Senator Obama must stay focued to the core message of his campain, and realize the broad support his message has built. Change is so desired and so needed in this country. And change cannot come without bipartisanship and compromise. President Obama will lack legitimacy if he reverts to "old-style" politics of division rather than hopeful oratory reminiscent of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. Karl Rove may have gotten President George W. Bush elected to two terms through aggressive, adversarial campaigns. But in all honesty, the presidency of W. Bush has been a horrible failure. Iraq War aside, domestic policy has become stagnate due to the complete absence of bipartisanship. Elected officials have not become public servants but policy procrastinators, and the country is disgusted by
And so Obama stands at a crossroads. Political pundits on television and in the nation's most respected newspapers and magazines have all but crowned Senator Obama as the Democratic Party nominee for president. If the delegates to the Democratic National Convention concur, Obama must decide how to pursue the presidency. Will he satisfy (current) polls and choose Senator Clinton so as to appease Clinton supporters and guard against their defection, or will he satisfy the integrity of his message, and work not only toward winning the presidency but toward building a more effective political climate in America?
Numerous names have surfaced as possible running mates for Obama, from Governors Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania and Ted Strickland of Ohio to Virginia Senator Jim Webb and countless others, whom, it is perceived, could carry a particular swing-state vital to a Democratic victory. The most courageous choice would be Michael Bloomberg, the centrist Republican mayor of New York. Bloomberg would appeal to many, many centrists throughout the nation, as well as many hard-line conservatives that admire the mayor's economic knowledge and accomplishments. But the primary strength of Bloomberg lies is in his attitude. The New York mayor
seems to ignore partisanship and focus on policy.
My former teacher, Professor Panetta, emphasized that politics must not be about grandstanding but problem-solving. Mayor Bloomberg fits well into this idealistic view of government. Furthermore, a bipartisan ticket would signal a new approach to political campaigns and culture in America. Rather than demeaning an opponent are lambasting his or her party, a candidate could take a higher road and pursue the virtue of openness rather than the destructive vice of stubbornness. U.S. representatives must negotiate with each other rather than isolate each other.
The stakes are too high for the current political attitudes of representatives to continue to stall policy and taint voter attitudes. The choice for running mate by Obama, the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, will test his values and integrity. Does he seek primarily to be president or to better America? He can have both, perhaps, but right now, one impulse must be primary. The road that could lead to his presidency must not stray too far from its original course, or he will become, like many Americans, lost in the political wilderness of an uncivilized and warring political system.
-James Haight Driscoll
No to Mccain?

-Andy Pantoja
John McCain
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
From the ATL to SCU

Von can't wait for next year as he will be living in his own apartment for the first time in his life. Von says that the increased independence will be good preparation for what it will be like in the real world after he graduates college.
-Ryan Kutey
Santa Clara University,
Wandrille Gounot
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wierdest College News Articles part III
This is becoming a routine, so just sit back and enjoy....
- 10 year old college genius
- Nightmare for a Janitor
- Freshman Mayor
- A fact of College Life: Respect Your Elders
- Bow Hunting at CU, apparently not legal
- Funding cuts classes at UF
- Another undie run at UT
-Collier King
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
D'Antoni is Knicks' Man

-Ryan Kutey
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wine Culture. A very smokey flavor with hints of raspberry.
The wine culture has never been a big part of my life as neither of my parents drink and wine is usually not the choice beverage of college students. However this past weekend my roommates and I headed up to Napa Valley for a day of wine tasting and my eyes were opened to a lifestyle enjoyed by many. Not knowing what to expect I went into the day with an open mind and hoped to learn a thing or two about the supposed complexities of wine aside from one kind being red and the other being white. After the two wineries and about five glasses of various wines I began to realize that most of the wines I tasted seemed fairly similar in taste.
“In this you will taste hints of cherry and oak on the front of the palette and some hints of chocolate in the aftertaste”. I did not taste any of these flavors. If wine tasted like chocolate and cherries I would be drinking it more often. A man next to be swirled his glass, smelled it, swirled it again and then remarked that he didn’t taste oak in the wine but instead he had a smoky flavor. I tasted bitter grapes.
All day I couldn’t help but listen to the wine coinsurers name each different wine, ask for the year it was made, or what direction the grape grove faced. At one point I really just wanted to ask if it really mattered? Could someone really taste a significant difference between a 2004 Syrah that’s grapes were grown facing northeast or a Merlot that was aged in an oak barrel for five years? The frightening realization I had this weekend is there are people that can do that. They could even tell you what time of day the grapes were picked at to make the wine. Okay maybe that was a stretch. However the wine culture is alive and blooming and next time I visit I have planned on making up descriptions of each wines flavors. I feel like if you just throw out words such as “full”, “fruits”, “strong nose”, and “hints of berries” you will be quickly accepted into the elite wine community. Until then I am proud to know the difference between a red and a white.

Maggie McAteer
“In this you will taste hints of cherry and oak on the front of the palette and some hints of chocolate in the aftertaste”. I did not taste any of these flavors. If wine tasted like chocolate and cherries I would be drinking it more often. A man next to be swirled his glass, smelled it, swirled it again and then remarked that he didn’t taste oak in the wine but instead he had a smoky flavor. I tasted bitter grapes.
All day I couldn’t help but listen to the wine coinsurers name each different wine, ask for the year it was made, or what direction the grape grove faced. At one point I really just wanted to ask if it really mattered? Could someone really taste a significant difference between a 2004 Syrah that’s grapes were grown facing northeast or a Merlot that was aged in an oak barrel for five years? The frightening realization I had this weekend is there are people that can do that. They could even tell you what time of day the grapes were picked at to make the wine. Okay maybe that was a stretch. However the wine culture is alive and blooming and next time I visit I have planned on making up descriptions of each wines flavors. I feel like if you just throw out words such as “full”, “fruits”, “strong nose”, and “hints of berries” you will be quickly accepted into the elite wine community. Until then I am proud to know the difference between a red and a white.

Maggie McAteer
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Daniela <3s Barack!

*Photo courtesy of: http://bagnewsnotes.typepad.com/bagnews/images/Obama-Surf.jpg
2008 Presidential Election,
Barack Obama,
The 2008 Election- A student's opinion

Today I interviewed Santa Clara University student Ryan Kutey about his opinion on the upcoming election. Ryan is an undeclared business major from Albany, New York. Like many college students, Ryan is apathetic towards the election, and honestly does not care who wins. If he had to choose someone, he would select Barack Obama. Ryan likes Obama's views on many issues, but especially likes Obama because he wants to get the troops out of Iraq. When asked about the other candidates, Ryan said, "McCain is ok...I dont like Hillary because she badmouths everyone. Infact, the only Hilary I would ever consider voting for is Hilary Duff."
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Wierdest College News Articles Pt. II
- So here's round two, a little more morbid than last week's but equally as informative.
- Berkeley Stabbing
- Salmonella at Princeton
- Dartmouth professor suing faculty, students
- Students at ASU strip before taking finals
- University President DUI
- Massive Drug Raid at San Diego State
- Madison's most controversial seminar yet
-Collier King
drug raid,
San Diego State University,
Who Should Be President?

The question of the right presidential candidate in the next election has loomed in the minds of many Americans. This election is one of landmark historical importance; never before have both a black man nor a woman had such momentum in their quest to attain the title commander & chief. No matter what candidate is chosen, it is clear drastic changes will accompany the installment of the new administration. In my own experience I have not encountered too many people who are fans of Hillary Clinton being our next president. Likewise, I haven't met many more who are in favor of John McCain's presidential bid. The majority of people I have spoken to are for Barack Obama as our next president. That said, I interviewed one McCain supporter who enlightened me on the reasoning behind his support for the Republican candidate. I interviewed Ben, a freshman at Santa Clara, who expressed his belief that John McCain is the only logical choice of our next leader. "He shares my political values," explained Ben, "he's fiscally conservative." Ben believes that in our current state, focusing on combatting terrorism and promoting our overall security is the prominant issue at hand. Ben explained that he dislikes Hillary because her liberal nature and past in the White House. He also doesn't favor Obama because he has "the most liberal voting record in the Senate." Clearly, liberalism is not on Ben's agenda for an appropriate leader for America. Ben added that McCain's experience both in the Senate and in Vietnam adds to his character as a leader. Summing up his views, Ben added, "I can't imagine having a good President other than McCain."
-Collier King
-Collier King
Who will you Vote For?
With the 2008 Presidential Election only six months away, people are trying to figure out who they are going to vote for. Others have already made up their mind, including my suite-mate, Tony Cassara. Tony is a Business Management major who plans on voting for Senator John McCain. He believes John McCain has the most actual experience in government. He also believes McCain's military experience will pay large dividends in helping with the nation's defense, which he believes is a high priority.
-Ryan Kutey
-Ryan Kutey
2008 Presidential Election,
John McCain,
Tony benino
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