Name: Matt Saydah
Are you worried about swine flu? No
What precautions are you taking? "Well my favorite is the batwing: coughing into my elbow. After rugby practice, I usually change into dry, warm clothes so I don't walk around when I'm all sweaty. I'm using more hand sanitizer and I got a flu shot earlier this year. If you're somewhat cautious and don't go out to parties when you're sick, I think you'll be fine."
Name: Brigette Heitman
Are you worried about swine flu? No
What precautions are you taking? "I've used more hand sanitizer this year than I've ever used in my entire life. I've always been good about washing my hands. My roommate never covers her mouth when she coughs or sneezes. That's pretty gross. I got a flu shot already because my mom was nagging me to."
1 comment:
Excellent reporting. Whoever posted this should never quit working at The Santa Clara but continue working there forever.
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